Revival Victoria

For us all to inspire a passion to stand for Christ
and revive love and commitment for God in this state!

Our Mission & Vision

At Revival Victoria, our vision and mission is to ignite a passion in Christians to strengthen their commitment and connection with God for the purpose of inspiring Christian revival in Victoria.

The mission statement / objective of this site is to encourage renewal of the dedication of God’s People in Victoria in our Lord, Jesus Christ by way of remembering their original love {Rev: 2:4}, casting aside compromise (of Christian standards) with the world {James 4:4} and strengthening their resolve {Ephesians 6:11-12} to stand firm for God.

There will be new blog posts each week, so have a look on Monday nights to see what is new.  Give us two/three months to impress you with God’s message and see what it says to you. 

Be strong in the lord. God Bless! 

Our Vision Video

Points to Ponder

Revival or Rapture part II

A historical look at the links between world upheaval and Revival and calm. Click here for Research link

ANZAC and Easter thoughts

On the back of Easter and ANZAC Day, I challenge you with these thoughts on our priorities and how strongly we stand for Jesus.  Is Easter held in a higher esteem than ANZAC Day for us and what do we expect/demand from...

Join the Movement

This site is dedicated to the renewal and revival of God’s Spirit among the people in Victoria.  You’re welcome to come along in the walk with me, provide support or constructive criticism, pray for our success and impact, provide practical assistance as I’m quite raw and out of my depth in website work. 

It’s God’s time, let’s see His glory reshape this state.

God Bless

Contact us