An initiative or major dream/goal of this site is to develop a youth preparation program for Christian Leadership.
I imagine 2 conferences per year where 50-100 young people est. 16-18 years of age are taken through a specific and program aimed to prepare for the challenges and pitfalls of being a Christian Leader.
I know that following biblical teachings would be enough, however, life throws unexpected and dangerous curve balls and I’ve seen a few.
All and any donations/funding support for this site will initially be diverted to this project.
Proposed Curriculum topics
- Building your brand
Young people need to learn how to look at the big picture. How to understand that after the beginning of your Christian journey there is a legacy and ‘Brand’ that you create which has to stand the test of time and strong enough to withstand future attacks.
- Snakes and ladders
Life throws up pitfalls to trap the unwary as well as opportunities to forge ahead. Spotting and being ready for them.
- Positive relationships
Positive and beneficial/proper intimate relationships with partners and friends. Creating and maintaining the right environment and any necessary boundaries.
- Being an eternal
Understanding that we are eternal beings and the decisions we make carry eternal consequences.
- Armory and warfare
Understanding the fight and having the right equipment.
- Walking with God
How to make it a daily and constant intimate relationship
- Legalese
Are there laws restricting your Christian actions?? How to operate and obey the Lord in these environments.
- Wisdom
Where to find it, how to acquire and use it.